
Explore the intricate world of canine reproduction in our Science Section! Delve into the fascinating nuances of the dog gestation period, uncover the secrets of pregnancy in dogs, and stay informed with insights from veterinary experts and the most relevant scientific publications. Discover the "how" and "why" of dog pregnancy, from identifying dog pregnancy symptoms to understanding the intricacies of pregnancy tests for dogs. Join us now on a journey of scientific inquiry and gain a deeper appreciation for the miracle of life within man's best friend.


The importance of Vitamin E for dogs: Antioxidant protection and fertility Support
Mar 21, 2025
Vitamin E is a crucial fat-soluble antioxidant that plays a vital role in maintaining your dog’s health. It protects cell membranes from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, supports the immune system, promotes healthy skin and coat, and even contributes to fertility and reproductive success. Ensuring that your dog gets adequate vitamin E is essential for their overall well-being, especially since deficiencies can lead to muscle weakness, neurological issues, and reproductive challenges.
The Role of Relaxin in Dog Pregnancy and How to Detect Gestation
Mar 11, 2025
Pregnancy detection in dogs is an essential aspect of reproductive management for breeders, veterinarians, and pet owners alike. One of the most reliable indicators of pregnancy in dogs is the hormone relaxin. Unique to pregnant dogs, relaxin plays a crucial role in gestation and can be used as a diagnostic marker to confirm pregnancy. Understanding the function of relaxin and the various ways to detect pregnancy in dogs can help ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and her developing puppies.
The Critical Role of Puppy Socialization at the Breeder
Dec 18, 2024
Early socialization is crucial for a puppy's behavioral development and long-term adaptability. Breeders play a key role during the sensitive period (3-14 weeks), introducing puppies to diverse experiences like human interaction, environmental stimuli, and positive reinforcement. Programs like Puppy Culture enhance this process through structured protocols such as Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS), problem-solving activities, and gradual stress exposure.  
Effect of Pinus taeda Hydrolyzed Lignin on Biochemical Profile, Oxidative Status, and Semen Quality of Healthy Dogs
May 03, 2024
Sub-fertility poses a common challenge in canine reproduction, with sperm quality being a primary concern. To address this, researchers explored the use of micronutrients and additives to enhance sperm quality, focusing on a polyphenolic mix derived from Pinus taeda lignin (PTHL). The study involved 40 male dogs, half of which received PTHL supplementation for 90 days while the other half served as a control group. 
Scientific Summary: Thyroid Function in Female German Shepherd Dogs
Apr 30, 2024
Assessing thyroid function in dogs is complex due to various factors affecting hormone levels. Age, breed, physical activity, and medications can influence thyroid hormone concentrations. Additionally, sex hormones, particularly in the estrous cycle, may impact thyroid activity. This study aimed to explore these interactions, focusing on female German Shepherds.
APGAR score as a method for prediction of survival prognosis in newborn puppies and kittens
Apr 26, 2024
Neonatal mortality is a significant concern in veterinary medicine, and the APGAR scoring scale, commonly used in human medicine since the 1950s, offers a potential solution. This scoring system evaluates the viability of newborns based on five criteria: heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color. Low APGAR scores indicate newborns that require immediate attention and care.
Dystocia in Small Animals
Apr 25, 2024
Dystocia, or difficult birth, is a common concern in veterinary practice, particularly in small animals like dogs and cats. It occurs when the mother or fetus encounters obstacles during the birthing process, leading to potential health risks for both. Understanding the causes and management of dystocia is crucial for ensuring successful outcomes for mother and offspring.
Understanding and Managing Dog Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
Apr 24, 2024
Just like humans, dogs can experience morning sickness during pregnancy. While it might not be as commonly discussed, morning sickness in pregnant dogs can pose challenges for both the expecting mother and her caregivers. Recognizing the signs, understanding the causes, and implementing appropriate management strategies are essential for ensuring the well-being of the pregnant dog and her developing puppies.
Factors Affecting Gut Microbiota of Puppies from Birth to Weaning
Apr 17, 2024
This article explores the factors that influence the development of the gut microbiota in puppies from birth to weaning. While it's commonly believed that bacterial colonization starts at birth, recent studies suggest that puppies may already harbor bacteria before birth, potentially influenced by their mother's microbiota. Factors such as the type of birth, maternal microbiota, and diet of the mother play crucial roles in shaping the gut microbiota of newborn puppies, which can affect their survival and health.
Scientific Summary: Effects of Cryopreservation on Dog Sperm Integrity
Apr 14, 2024
Sperm cryopreservation, i.e. freezing, is crucial in reproductive biology, but it can affect sperm quality. This study analyzed the effects of cryopreservation on the sperm of five healthy male dogs to understand which sperm structures are affected and apoptosis markers.
Scientific Summary: Understanding Canine Fertility After Cesarean Sections
Apr 10, 2024
With the increasing popularity of certain dog breeds, cesarean sections are becoming more common. Cesarean delivery, whether planned or emergency, is prevalent, especially among breeds prone to dystocia. Here is what you should know about canine fertility after cesarean sections compared to natural births.
The vaginal microflora changes in various stages of the estrous cycle of healthy female dogs and the ones with genital tract infections
Apr 02, 2024
Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive tract in female dogs are a prevalent issue in veterinary practice, often leading to significant health complications. Research aimed at understanding the relationship between female health status, cycle phase, age, and genital tract bacterial flora has been ongoing for years, although findings from different studies have often been conflicting.