Bellylabs joins American Pet Products Association

Bellylabs joins American Pet Products Association

January 24, 2023

We are proud to announce that Bellylabs has been accredited a membership of the American Pet Products Association (APPA). Membership in APPA is a highly sought-after distinction and is only awarded to companies that meet the association's stringent standards for quality, innovation, and customer service.

The mission of the American Pet Products Association (APPA) is to promote responsible pet care and advance the pet products industry. Founded in 1958, APPA is the leading trade association in the pet industry made up of more than 1,000 pet product manufacturers, their representatives, importers, and livestock suppliers.

As a member of APPA, Bellylabs will have access to a wide range of resources and opportunities to connect with other industry leaders, share best practices, and stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the pet products market. In addition, APPA provides its members with valuable marketing and promotional tools, such as the Global Pet Expo, the pet industry's largest trade show, which will give Bellylabs the opportunity to showcase its products to a wide audience of pet industry professionals in Orlando, Florida, in late March of this year.

According to Technavio’s latest report, Bellylabs is seen as one of the global key players in the animal pregnancy test kit market. The total market is expected to increase by USD 98.33 million from 2021 to 2026, and the market's growth momentum will accelerate at a CAGR of 4.76 %. Moreover, 40 % of the market's growth will originate from North America during the forecast period.

”North America is a very important market for us. We are thrilled to be a part of the American Pet Products Association and look forward to working with other industry leaders to drive innovation and growth in the pet products market," said Jarno Kukila, CEO of Bellylabs. "Our commitment to providing high-quality, innovative products for dogs and dog breeders is unwavering and we are excited to be recognized as a leader in this industry."

Bellylabs is committed to providing pet owners with the best products and services available and is constantly looking for ways to improve and expand its product line. The membership in APPA is a testament to the company's dedication to excellence and its commitment to the pet industry.

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Bellylabs Trächtigkeitstest für Hunde

Bellylabs Trächtigkeitstest für Hunde ist Bestseller Schnelltest-Kit zur Früherkennung der Hundeträchtigkeit für die Anwendung zuhause. Das Testen ist schnell, sicher, einfach und stressfrei. Ergebnisse in 10 Minuten.

Trächtigkeitstest von Bellylabs dient zur Erkennung der Trächtigkeit bei Hündinnen, um zwischen einer Scheinschwangerschaft und einer echten Trächtigkeit zu unterscheiden. Der Test misst den Hormongehalt an Relaxin, das ein zuverlässiger Hinweis auf eine Schwangerschaft ist. Für eine optimale Genauigkeit von 96 %* empfehlen wir den Test 28 Tage nach der Ovulation durchzuführen**. Es schadet nicht, früher zu testen, aber es kann sein, dass das Hormon noch nicht ausreicht, um einen zuverlässigen Nachweis zu ermöglichen. 

  • Praktisch: Testen Sie bequem bei Ihnen zu Hause, wann es für Sie und Ihren Hund am besten passt.
  • Sicher: Das Testkit enthält die gesamte Ausrüstung, die Sie für die Durchführung des Tests zu Hause benötigen. Keine Fachkenntnisse erforderlich.
96 % Genauigkeit Ergebnisse in 10-15 Minuten Für eine optimale Genauigkeit testen Sie 28 Tage nach der Ovulation Geld-zurück-Garantie