Bellylabs and Orivet Genetic Pet Care Forge Strategic Alliance for Pet Wellness

Bellylabs and Orivet Genetic Pet Care Forge Strategic Alliance for Pet Wellness

April 08, 2024

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone for Bellylabs as we enter into an exciting partnership with Orivet Genetic Pet Care, a renowned leader in pet genetic testing and care. This collaboration signifies a significant milestone for both entities, aimed at reshaping the landscape of pet care innovation across Australia and New Zealand.

Orivet Genetic Pet Care, headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, and with a global presence spanning across the USA, New Zealand, Japan, UK, and the Netherlands, is dedicated to preserving the health and heritage of breeds for breeders and pet owners worldwide. With a team – led by CEO Noam Pik and Managing Director George Sofronidis – of passionate animal lovers, scientists, veterinarians, and experts in various fields, Orivet has established itself as a trusted authority in personalized, breed-specific care for dogs and cats.

At Bellylabs, we are equally committed to advancing the well-being of dogs through innovative solutions. Our partnership with Orivet aligns seamlessly with our mission to provide cutting-edge products and services that cater to the unique needs of dog breeders. With distribution rights now secured in Australia and New Zealand, we are poised to introduce Bellylabs' groundbreaking technologies and solutions to even broader audience, enhancing the quality of pet care in these regions.

Jarno Kukila, CEO of Bellylabs, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, "We are thrilled to join forces with Orivet Genetic Pet Care in our mission to deliver exceptional pet care solutions. This collaboration represents a significant step forward for Bellylabs as we expand into Australia and New Zealand. Together with Orivet, we look forward to empowering pet owners and breeders with the tools and resources they need to ensure the health and happiness of their beloved companions."

With Orivet's expertise in dog breeding and extensive reach in over 70 countries worldwide, coupled with Bellylabs' innovative technologies and dedication to pet wellness, this partnership promises to drive meaningful advancements in the pet care landscape. Through the combined efforts, we aim to foster deeper connections between dogs and their owners, enriching lives and nurturing lasting bonds.

For more information about Orivet Genetic Pet Care, please visit

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Bellylabs Trächtigkeitstest für Hunde

Bellylabs Trächtigkeitstest für Hunde ist Bestseller Schnelltest-Kit zur Früherkennung der Hundeträchtigkeit für die Anwendung zuhause. Das Testen ist schnell, sicher, einfach und stressfrei. Ergebnisse in 10 Minuten.

Trächtigkeitstest von Bellylabs dient zur Erkennung der Trächtigkeit bei Hündinnen, um zwischen einer Scheinschwangerschaft und einer echten Trächtigkeit zu unterscheiden. Der Test misst den Hormongehalt an Relaxin, das ein zuverlässiger Hinweis auf eine Schwangerschaft ist. Für eine optimale Genauigkeit von 96 %* empfehlen wir den Test 28 Tage nach der Ovulation durchzuführen**. Es schadet nicht, früher zu testen, aber es kann sein, dass das Hormon noch nicht ausreicht, um einen zuverlässigen Nachweis zu ermöglichen. 

  • Praktisch: Testen Sie bequem bei Ihnen zu Hause, wann es für Sie und Ihren Hund am besten passt.
  • Sicher: Das Testkit enthält die gesamte Ausrüstung, die Sie für die Durchführung des Tests zu Hause benötigen. Keine Fachkenntnisse erforderlich.
96 % Genauigkeit Ergebnisse in 10-15 Minuten Für eine optimale Genauigkeit testen Sie 28 Tage nach der Ovulation Geld-zurück-Garantie