Animal Wellness Magazine Recognizes Bellylabs for Innovative Product

Animal Wellness Magazine Recognizes Bellylabs for Innovative Product

April 29, 2024

Bellylabs, a trailblazer in pet healthcare technology, is thrilled to announce its recent accolade from Animal Wellness Magazine. Named as one of the Best of 2023 Innovative Products in the category of Medical Advancements, Bellylabs Pregnancy Test for Dogs has earned a prestigious place among top-tier innovations enhancing the lives of our beloved dogs.

Animal Wellness Magazine has been a cornerstone of the natural pet health and wellness movement since 1999, boasting a readership of over 1 million annually and earning the reputation as North America's #1 pet health publication. The recognition from such a respected authority is a testament to the groundbreaking nature of Bellylabs' product and its commitment to providing practical solutions for pet owners worldwide.

In a year marked by remarkable advancements in the pet industry, Animal Wellness Magazine's Best of 2023 Innovative Pet Products Guide serves as a showcase for products and services that elevate the standard of care for our furry friends. Bellylabs Pregnancy Test for Dogs stands out as a shining example of innovation, offering pet owners a fast, safe, and stress-free method to confirm their dog's pregnancy from the comfort of home. What sets Bellylabs apart is its dedication to simplicity and accessibility. With a comprehensive test kit that requires only a small droplet of blood and delivers results in just 10 minutes, Bellylabs empowers pet owners to take control of their dog's reproductive health without the need for professional expertise or veterinary visits. By streamlining the testing process, Bellylabs ensures that pet owners can focus on what truly matters: the wellbeing of their canine companions.

The recognition from Animal Wellness Magazine not only validates Bellylabs' commitment to innovation but also serves as a source of pride for the entire team. As we celebrate this achievement, we remain steadfast in our mission to push the boundaries of pet healthcare technology and continue providing practical solutions that enhance the lives of pets and their owners alike.

At Bellylabs, we are honored to be recognized by Animal Wellness Magazine and are grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of pets and their families. As we look to the future, we are committed to staying at the forefront of innovation and delivering solutions that address the evolving needs of pet owners worldwide.

For more information about Animal Wellness Magazine, and the Best of 2023 Innovative Products, please visit their website

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Bellylabs Trächtigkeitstest für Hunde

Bellylabs Trächtigkeitstest für Hunde ist Bestseller Schnelltest-Kit zur Früherkennung der Hundeträchtigkeit für die Anwendung zuhause. Das Testen ist schnell, sicher, einfach und stressfrei. Ergebnisse in 10 Minuten.

Trächtigkeitstest von Bellylabs dient zur Erkennung der Trächtigkeit bei Hündinnen, um zwischen einer Scheinschwangerschaft und einer echten Trächtigkeit zu unterscheiden. Der Test misst den Hormongehalt an Relaxin, das ein zuverlässiger Hinweis auf eine Schwangerschaft ist. Für eine optimale Genauigkeit von 96 %* empfehlen wir den Test 28 Tage nach der Ovulation durchzuführen**. Es schadet nicht, früher zu testen, aber es kann sein, dass das Hormon noch nicht ausreicht, um einen zuverlässigen Nachweis zu ermöglichen. 

  • Praktisch: Testen Sie bequem bei Ihnen zu Hause, wann es für Sie und Ihren Hund am besten passt.
  • Sicher: Das Testkit enthält die gesamte Ausrüstung, die Sie für die Durchführung des Tests zu Hause benötigen. Keine Fachkenntnisse erforderlich.
96 % GenauigkeitErgebnisse in 10-15 MinutenFür eine optimale Genauigkeit testen Sie 28 Tage nach der OvulationGeld-zurück-Garantie